Corporate giving enhances your company's presence in the community by sponsoring a reputable nonprofit dedicated to assisting children and families in Crawford County. Your sponsorship contributes to the community's welfare where your employees live and work. By supporting the training and certification of new CASA volunteers, your donation enables them to advocate for up to 15 children. This assistance allows us to offer crucial resources and support services to the children we serve. Additionally, it funds advocacy case management for each child assigned a CASA, ensuring they receive ongoing support during their experience. Thank you, for considering a sponsorship partnership with CASA of Crawford County. We would be grateful for the opportunity to discuss how you can play a role in this life-changing work. Please contact me directly at 479-208-7119 or director@21casa.org to schedule a meeting or to discuss donation options.
Gift of a CASA Volunteer - Sponsorship $75-$170
CASA volunteers are dedicated to understanding the child, their background, and advocating for their best interests. Research shows that children supported by CASA volunteers exhibit increased levels of hope. Your contribution will support the provision of CASA Advocacy services, enabling our volunteers to secure safe and permanent homes for children who have experienced abuse or neglect. Gas cards are another way to help cover CASA volunteer travel expenses.
$75 Helps with travel expenses
$100 Helps to increase community awareness
$170 Helps pay for a month of advocacy
Buy a CASA License Plate
CASA of Crawford County benefits from a share of the proceeds from each set of plates every year, contributing to our outreach efforts in the local community. Last year, CASA of Crawford County received $434 from the CASA License Plate funding. Interested in getting one? CASA plates are available for an additional $35 per year at the Revenue Office.

Corporate Sponsorships
Supporting CASA with at corporate sponsorship gives you the opportunity to raise awareness of your organizations mission and services provided. Opportunities are available by sponsoring a CASA event.

Birthday Box Project - Sponsorship $60
This project aims to enable children served by a CASA volunteer to commemorate their special day. Given the changes and disruptions they might be facing, we want them to understand that we value their existence and celebrate their birth. This way, we can reinforce their sense of importance and joy. An entire birthday celebration is assembled, packaged & then delivered in a personalized birthday box. This party in a box, includes a birthday cake, candles, party plates, a birthday present and party decorations. Each birthday box cost $60.

Matching Gifts
Your gift to CASA of Crawford County may have the opportunity to be doubled. Talk to your employer to see if they match employee’s gifts to charitable non-profit organizations.
Honorarium or Memorial Gifts
Creating a gift in memory or in honor of someone is a kind and meaningful gesture to celebrate their life and achievements. If you choose to make a memorial or honorary donation to CASA, we will inform the honoree or their family. For online donations, kindly provide the honoree's name and address or the next of kin's address in the Comment section on the online donation form. Donate Now
Gifts In-Kind
Our community partners generously provide us with in-kind donations of goods and services, which we utilize to support our mission. These donations, ranging from program materials to office supplies, as well as donated advertising and nonprofit discounts, greatly contribute to our cause.
Sponsor our Dutch Oven Fundraiser $200-$2,500
Visit our event page for more information about the Dutch Oven Lid Lifting Competition.